Non Contact Angle Position Sensors 

The rotational angle of a shaft, drum or other rotating object can be tracked by pairing an Angular Position Sensor with a specially magnetized target magnet. The magnet is mounted centered over the center of rotation and then the sensor is centered in front of the magnet.

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Measure Rotation Angle

Analog Output Proportional to the Angle of the Magnet

Angular Position Sensors provide an analog output that increases and decreases dependent on the rotational angle of the target magnet.  The sensing element is ratiometric.  Over the 360 degrees of rotation the output will go between 10%-90% of the supply voltage.

  • The 3E version connects your supply voltage directly to this sensing element, so the output tracks the input. In other words, using a 5V supply the output will vary from 0.5 to 4.5 volts. Using a 3V supply, the output will vary from 0.3 to 2.7 volts.
  • The regulated versions of this sensor put a regulated5V to the element, so the output tracks 10 to 90% of 5V.

The angle of the magnetic field is resolved using a Hall effect sine and cosine output and an internal microprocessor. The output is a digital to analog converter that produces resolution of 0.36 degrees.

Angle Position Magnets

Angular position sensors track specially magnetized magnets to produce a usable analog output.  The size and grade of the magnet will determine the operate gap range the sensor will work at.  The operate gap for the magnet is defined in the sensor specifications sheet.

Angle Position Sensor Magnets are available as raw discs for the smallest mounting profile and in small flange mount packages with reference angles marked for easiest installation.

If you do not find the Angle Position Sensor you need in our catalog, contact our Engineers to discuss a custom solution including options for measuring only a portion of the rotation for increased resolution.

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