Multi-pole magnet tape present alternating North and South Pole magnetic fields along the length of the tape.  When paired with magnetic sensors they can be used to track position along the tape, count distance traveled, or to resolve the speed and direction of the movement of the tape.

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Multi-Pole Magnet Tape

Single Output Magnetic Sensors for Multi-Pole Magnet Tape

  • Hall Effect Switches and Magnetoresistive sensors provide a single digital switching output (or relay output) that turns on when detecting a south pole field. The output then turns off over the North pole.  These sensors can measure the speed at which multi-pole magnet taape is passing the sensor face, or count how many poles have passed to track feed through a winch or pulley.
  • Hall Effect Latches provide a single digital switching output that turns on when a South Pole Magnetic field is present.  The output remains on until a North Pole field is detected.  The latching output creates a 50% duty cycle when detecting the alternating North and South Poles in Multi-pole magnet tape and magnet wheels.

Dual Output Magnetic Sensors for Multi-Pole Magnet Tape

  • Quadrature Magnet Sensors provide two digital pulsing outputs.  The sensing elements are placed side by side so that when the multi-pole magnet tape passes in one direction Channel A will switch first and when the multi-pole magnet tape passes in the opposite direction Channel B will switch first.  By comparing the outputs a tachometer or controller can monitor the speed and direction of movement, or perform directional counting.
  • Speed and Direction Magnet Sensors provide one digital pulsing output and a high/low direction output.  When connected to a tachometer or controller these sensors can monitor the speed and direction of the multi-pole magnet tape passing the sensor, or perform directional counting.

Multi-pole magnet tape with 4 pole per inch resolution is available, purchased per foot for use with our magnetic sensors.

To learn more about our sensors and magnets refer to our Application Notes for more information.

If you do not find the magnetic sensor you need in our catalog, contact our Engineers to discuss a custom solution.

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