Sensor Solutions Linear Position Sensors (formerly known as Analog Position Sensing Systems) consist of a sensor and target pair that provide an analog output for tracking movement between two parallel surfaces.  The sensor and target are purchased as a single item. The sensor is custom programmed to provide a linear change in voltage output when the target passes by at a consistant defined gap.

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Linear Position Sensors

Analog Output over 3/8” or 1” of travel

Sensor Solutions current catalog offers precision output tracking of either 3/8” or 1” of parallel travel between the sensor and the magnet.  The sensors use programmed Analog Hall Effect sensors and calibrated magnet structures so that the output is 2.5V when the sensor and target centers are aligned.  As the sensor or target moves the output increases in one direction and decreases in the opposite direction.

Applications for Linear Position Sensors

Analog position sensors provide constant feedback for monitoring relative position.  They can be part of tension tracking systems to detect changing tension or provide an output into motor controls for continuous tracking and adjusting alignment between two components in a production line.  These sensor/magnet pairs can be used in any non-contact application for monitoring and adjusting of system components where proper alignment is critical for function. 

Magnetic Tape Tracking Sensors

Although they are located in a different part of the Sensor Solutions Catalog, our Magnetic Tape Tracking Sensors function as an Analog Position Tracking  System when paired with magnetic tape.  These sensors are designed specifically for Automated Guided Vehicles and Automated Guided Carts applications where they are mounted on the bottom of the vehicle to provide input into the system for keeping the vehicle centered over the magnetic tape.  By using magnetic tape for guiding the vehicles, changing the route involves moving the tape, which is simpler, quicker and more cost effective than reprogramming GPS based systems or replacing below the floor inductive coils.

Custom Linear Position Sensors and other types of Analog Position sensors can be designed specific to the requirements of your application, Contact our Engineers to discuss your requirements.

For analog detection of changing proximity, see our Analog Hall Sensors when detecting magnets, or our Analog Ferrous Metal Position Sensors for detecting steel targets. 

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