Railroad & Mass Transit Speed Sensors 

Sensor Solutions manufactures a variety of sensors used for measuring speed, direction, position, alignment, and proximity of components in the transportation industry.  Magnetic sensors are used in many different types of vehicles and equipment for moving people, animals, and goods around the globe.

Magnetic Sensors in Railroad Applications

Sensor Solutions provides multiple sensors to manufacturers of locomotive equipment for measuring speed of motor components.  Our proximity sensors are also used in applications for monitoring the position of rail cars for loading/unloading or inspection. Several specific applications are listed below.

Magnetic Sensors in Public Transportation Applications

Public buses, trains, trolleys, subways, gondolas and chairlifts all utilize magnetic sensors for monitoring engine speed, wheel speed, camsghaft and crankshaft positions for ensuring vehicles are running smoothly and for operators monitoring speed.  Magnetic switches are also commonly used to confirm vehicle doors are properly closed and as  safety switches in public transportation applications.  Below are a few examples of specific applications where Sensor Solutions sensors are currently used.

Magnetic Sensors in Material Transportation Applications

In addition to moving people, magnetic sensors are also frequently used in specialty vehicles for transporting materials and assembled products. Sensor Solutions provides OEM solutions specific to different material and product transportation requirements.  Below are just a few applications where Sensor Solutions magnetic sensors are commonly found.

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